Please Support Our Mission

Because we strive to serve anyone who needs support, we do not require membership and try to do as much as possible at no cost to families. 
Additionally, we are currently a 100% volunteer based organization, so every dollar you contribute goes directly towards accomplishing our mission, stays in the communities we serve, and is tax deductible. Any donation amount is greatly appreciated and we sincerely thank you for your support!

Checks can be mailed to:

Our TreASures, Inc.

P. O. Box 102

​Brookfield, WI 53008

Our TreASures, Inc.

An Autism Spectrum Support Network


Mission Partners

​We are thankful for organizations that we have partnered with who share in our mission to support the autistic/neurodivergent community. These partners include:

Autism Society of Southeast Wisconsin

The Autism Society of Southeastern Wisconsin exists to improve the lives of all affected by Autism by increasing public awareness about the day-to-day issues faced by people on the spectrum, advocating for appropriate services for individuals across the life span, and providing the latest information regarding treatment, education, research and advocacy. ASSEW provides support groups for English and Spanish speaking families, hosts events, and provides a community resource guide on their website. 

Wisconsin Autism Empowerment

​This group provides autistic individuals or other individuals with disorders on the spectrum (and those who love them) to get together, chat, build friendships, and support each other. They also hold events that build social skills, engage creativity, and provide mentorship to bring down the barriers caused by autism. For more information, contact Sandy Krause at

Our TreASures and WI Autism Empowerment had the opportunity to be a part of Milwaukee's Philanthropic Community radio program, hosted by Ellenbecker Investment Group. We are truly grateful for this opportunity to share our stories and talk a little about how we serve the autistic community and beyond.

Listen to Radio Program

IndependenceFirst - Adult Asperger's Educational Group

IndependenceFirst offers more than 40 programs, workshops, and services for individuals with disabilities. One of these programs is a virtual quarterly meeting that covers topics such as employment, social skills and independent living skills. For more information, please contact Peter Lucas at

Children's Wisconsin Treatment Foster Care Program
Our TreASures provides Autism 101 and Executive Function classes to treatment foster and adoptive parents through our partnership with Children's Wisconsin. If you are interested in becoming a treatment foster parent, please contact Amy Basting

If you would like to be a mission partner, please contact Cathy Muro at!